Ulcer is a sore lining of your stomach or intestine. It can be caused by a bacteria called the H pylori and also by excess intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (example: ibuprofen).

 Although food doesn't cause or treat ulcer, some can make your pain worse while others help you heal faster.  

Since we can't totally avoid certain foods that can worsen the condition, it will be best to limit their intake.

Here are some tips that can be of help

  • Limit intake of spicy foods as it can worsen your condition
  •  Limit fizzy drinks
  •  Increase intake of probiotics: they can be bought over the counter or found in different types of food; for example yogurt, fermented foods.....
  •  Increase intake of colourful fruits such as pawpaw, berries..... with an exception to citrus fruits
  •  Limit the intake of fatty and fried foods
  •  Limit alcohol intake
  • Reduce mental stress
  • Reduce intake of pepper

Always remember to eat good and live a healthy life.

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